Since 1980 in Vienna

Swimming school Steiner in Döblinger Bad

Döblinger Bad – Our swimming course location since 2011

We have been offering a wide range of swimming courses since 2011 in Döblinger Bad in Vienna’s 19th district. This huge Viennese swimming pool is a combined pool, which means there is both an indoor pool and an open-air summer pool on location.

Like the Hütteldorfer Bad, Döblinger Bad is very child-friendly and offers plenty of space, which is why we enjoy offering our children’s swimming courses in this pool. It includes an adventure pool with water slide, a children’s adventure pool, a baby pool and many children’s play areas. There is also a swimming pool for swimming laps and a hot pool with massage jets to help you relax after swimming.

We can recommend this pool for family trips on weekends.

Döblinger Bad is perfect for numerous swimming courses

Our swimming courses in Döblinger Bad

We especially like to run our swimming courses for children and teenagers in the indoor pool in Döblinger Bad. However, due to the location here, we also offer swimming courses for adults. Individual swimming lessons are also possible here by appointment.

Swimming courses in Döblinger Bad? – How to find us

The address of the pool is:

Döblinger Bad – Combined pool of the City of Vienna,
Geweygasse 6,
A-1190 Vienna

Click on this link to load the address directly on your mobile phone in Google Maps and plan your journey.

Meeting point at the start of the swimming course:

If you have booked a swimming course in the Döblinger Bad with us, please enter the swimming area first. The meeting point is at the baby pool, since we have the most space for the greeting and introductions there.